America Wants Better stands with those who believe Americans are created equal, are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights and that among those are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
We celebrate all skin colors, all ages and all immutable characteristics.
We believe in patriotism over party and welcome all who feel the same way!
We believe America has always has been, and continues to be, the single most powerful force for good this world has even known.
We will aid Americans in choosing leaders based upon the content of their character, the truthfulness of their words and the impact of their deeds.
We will elect those who believe in the American dream, strong families and in our Constitution - which our Founders knew could work only for moral and righteous people.
We will help put into power, those who believe that government’s role in society is to secure our rights - not to create or dispense them, and that the rule of law shall never be supplanted.
We will choose leaders who understand that there is right, and there is wrong. And in that choosing, contemporary edicts shall not eclipse the Wisdom of the Ages, upon which our American Constitution is founded, and to which our country's preeminence is inextricably linked.
1) The immediate and extended family unit is an indispensable characteristic of our Country’s past and future.
2) Quality education, hard work, delayed gratification and a healthy environment are fundamental to achieving the American dream.
3) America welcomes all who wish to come here legally.
The integrity of America’s borders is vital for our national security.
4) No country can borrow or print (think Zimbabwe) its way to prosperity, including America.
Deficits and debt absolutely do matter.
America will no longer be a military superpower once we cease to be an economic superpower.
5) America’s laws shall apply equally to every citizen, including those in Congress, the Executive and Judicial branches.
6) America’s judges shall singularly interpret laws, not create them.
7) American elections shall be free, fair, transparent and auditable.
8) The Constitution and the Bill of Rights shall be esteemed, upheld, defended and recognized as the ultimate arbiter of American law and culture.
9) We shall not judge or disparage others.
We shall lead by example, guided by our Constitution, our mission and our values.
10) My body, my choice is a non-negotiable, natural, God-given right, which Americans' birthright guarantees.
11) If the choice is made to end a pregnancy, the law must, to the greatest extent possible, recognize the obligation to preserve life at all costs, invoking the principles of the Hippocratic Oath to "do no harm," principally regarding the life of the mother and nextly, regarding the life and wellbeing of the fetus or unborn child.
Or, in
11) If the choice is made to end a pregnancy, the law must, to the greatest extent possible, recognize the obligation to preserve life at all costs, invoking the principles of the Hippocratic Oath to "do no harm," principally regarding the life of the mother and nextly, regarding the life and wellbeing of the fetus or unborn child.
Or, in other words, a woman who no longer wishes to be pregnant, shall have the right to remove a growing baby from her body on day one, through and up to one minute before birth.
However, doctors performing the removal shall be ethically, morally and legally bound to honor their oath and take all reasonable steps to preserve the life of the unborn child, as they would any other patient under their care.
Note: We acknowledge that this subject is difficult, but believe that this prototypical pro-choice / pro-life hybrid, moves the issue in a positive direction, one that abortion rights advocates will find affirms choice, while at the same time, addresses the concerns of pro-life advocates and saves lives.
12) Healthcare must be provided as safety-net for vulnerable Americans who cannot work and for those not of working age.
13) Many of the implements we use in our everyday lives, placed in the wrong hands, can be lethal. The foregoing list of implements is vast, but only a single item on that list has the distinction of mention in the U.S. Constitution - guns, or more precisely, Arms.
Our Founders spoke of arming "the body of the people" as "the best most
13) Many of the implements we use in our everyday lives, placed in the wrong hands, can be lethal. The foregoing list of implements is vast, but only a single item on that list has the distinction of mention in the U.S. Constitution - guns, or more precisely, Arms.
Our Founders spoke of arming "the body of the people" as "the best most natural defense of a free country." However, they also envisioned that Americans would be trained and part of a "well regulated" group (militia) constituted to act as a fail-safe to defend the liberty they treasured.
Experience taught our Founders what many Americans have feared since 1776, that lost liberty often follows the elimination of the right to bear Arms.
That said, an open-minded, respectful discussion regarding the imperative to keep guns out of the hands of people intent on killing is overdue and necessary.
It is however obligatory to be mindful that any solution not violate the enumerated Constitutional Right in the 2nd Amendment to bear Arms, one which enables Americans to defend their family, friends, one's self or our Country. A Right which Americans cherish.
14) The income tax rate should be low. It should allow Americans to keep most of what they earn and be equally applied to every taxpayer above the poverty line.
Americans with extraodinary incomes of over $1M should pay a reasonable, (fair share) premium, based upon a gradually increasing sliding scale; but never higher than 50% more than the rate paid by everyone else.
15) The Government must balance its budget and honor its commitments and promises.
Not doing so, is inescapably leading to America's financial downfall, and then worse.
16) Our schools should be solely judged on the performance and success of its students.
Children must come first over every other consideration.
Education must be decentralized, reclaimed from the federal bureaucracy and returned to State and local control.
Professional, fairly paid teachers are an integral part of the solution.
17) The earth and our environment sustain humanity's existence.
We must respect and care for the earth, while at the same time inspiring and incentivizing Americans to work hard to find new, clean and innovative ways to produce energy.
18) A fair day's work, for a fair day's pay, is a long held American aphorism.
Americans that can work, must work for many reasons, not the least of which is that work provides one with the dignity of moving towards an independent, self-sufficient life.
Work benefits not only the worker, but society in a virtuous cycle that helps others
18) A fair day's work, for a fair day's pay, is a long held American aphorism.
Americans that can work, must work for many reasons, not the least of which is that work provides one with the dignity of moving towards an independent, self-sufficient life.
Work benefits not only the worker, but society in a virtuous cycle that helps others who can't work.
Incentives of every kind should be instituted to promote and celebrate work.
19) Crime is poisonous, violent crime is intolerable, and the fact is, Americans are helpless as they are not capable or responsible to stop either, only our leaders are.
Permissive or compassionate laws have failed to reduce crime.
The short-term solution to crime, while instituting fair and firm laws, must also incorporate zero toleran
19) Crime is poisonous, violent crime is intolerable, and the fact is, Americans are helpless as they are not capable or responsible to stop either, only our leaders are.
Permissive or compassionate laws have failed to reduce crime.
The short-term solution to crime, while instituting fair and firm laws, must also incorporate zero tolerance for crime and high quality, fully funded policing.
Longer-term solutions include, early, quality educational intervention, healthy family life, a connection to Biblical, morality, non-theistic or other enlightenment instruction, so-called tough-love and a safe environment within which to undertake all of the foregoing.
20) From the first days of our Republic, our Founders warned against "foreign entanglements." This advice has proven to be prophetic as America has drained its treasury by trillions and spilled the blood of our brave warriors in the last few decades- with little to show for it.
Our safety and security are accomplished, not through fight
20) From the first days of our Republic, our Founders warned against "foreign entanglements." This advice has proven to be prophetic as America has drained its treasury by trillions and spilled the blood of our brave warriors in the last few decades- with little to show for it.
Our safety and security are accomplished, not through fighting repeated wars, but through an accumulation of great strength, which deters adventurism and aggression by our enemies, and projects America as a beacon of light, morality, strength and culture to the entire world.
There will of course be some conflicts that cannot be avoided, however, many likely can and should be.
21) From the beginning to time, humanity has produced people with an unlimited array of views, beliefs, preferences, opinions and every other descriptor one could come up with, showcasing how we are all different - while at the very same time, all being identically human.
As such, it's no surprise that those differences, while often inter
21) From the beginning to time, humanity has produced people with an unlimited array of views, beliefs, preferences, opinions and every other descriptor one could come up with, showcasing how we are all different - while at the very same time, all being identically human.
As such, it's no surprise that those differences, while often interesting and wonderful, can also be contentious.
If history has taught us anything, it's that history has not taught many as much as it should have. Lost is the one important lesson, 'Live and Let Live.'
The live and let live axiom, more clearly understood to mean, 'do what you like, as long is it doesn't negatively affect or hurt others,' should be liberally applied to the debate surrounding sexual orientation.
Having said the above, there are immutable truths:
1) Our society has agreed that one reaches majority and the freedom to make decisions for oneself, at the age of 18. Given same, any permanent, life-altering medical decisions must be delayed until that age.
2) While every person has the right to identify as anything they wish - there is no reciprocal, moral obligation for any other person to be forced to accept, or embrace another's assumed identity.
3) The fight for equal rights, and our successes with same have been a blessing for America. Sadly, the associated proposition that one can change one's sex or gender at will, completely transform one's self into their biological opposite and naturally function as same, cannot be seen as one of those successes, but rather a fantasm.
The harmful fallout emanating from the above proposition is causing irreparable harm to the noble civil and gender rights movements - think women’s sports for example.
As in everything, there are limits and boundaries. The notion that boys and men... can "trans"form themselves into girls and women, is a notion that goes far beyond those thresholds.
Bestowing equal protections upon Americans is laudable, but the presumption that laws can be passed which defy nature, or which obligate Americans to accept and embrace the artifice that one's God-given gender is alterable, is unconscionable and un-American.
22) Support for Democratic Governments, where the rule of law is honored and respected, is integral for the maintenance of humanity's peace and progress, especially in our troubled world today.
Support for Democratic Governments has been of paramount importance to the United States of America.
A good example of the above is the State of Is
22) Support for Democratic Governments, where the rule of law is honored and respected, is integral for the maintenance of humanity's peace and progress, especially in our troubled world today.
Support for Democratic Governments has been of paramount importance to the United States of America.
A good example of the above is the State of Israel, a country that holds the aforementioned values dear.
Currently Israel is fighting, what some have called, a multi-front war for its very existence.
This war has not only pitted Israel against Hamas and other enemies, but in many cases, pitted Israel against some of its own people and many opportunistic detractors around the world.
Given that Israel is fighting for its life, it hasn't had the luxury to focus on much else, but the reality is, it must do so.
The roadmap to a resolution of the Gaza issue has not yet been articulated in a wholistic way, but again, it must be, so that the truth will be obvious to all - that Israel is not a murderous killing machine, but a besieged nation that only wishes to live in peace - and should take the necessary and extraordinary steps below to do so.
1. Destroy Hamas’s infrastructure in Gaza and its ability to instigate terrorism and wage war.
2. Create s new safe zone in Northern Gaza for non-militant, non-Hamas affiliated, innocent Gazans.
3. Israel to support the complete redevelopment of the “Northern Gaza Safe Zone” area with loans, expert assistance, logistical assistance and (diplomatic representation – if requested.) New Gaza would be a model, self-contained, self-sustained city.
4. Have those who wish to live in New Gaza, agree to support new Gaza and its new peaceful constitution, which among other necessary provisions must explicitly acknowledge that Israel is the singular reason for the creation of New Gaza and that Israel and its people are not an enemy.
5. Incentify new Gazans to buy-in to the “New Gaza Concept” by allowing the creation of a New Gazan peaceful, self-administered government, while also allowing new Gazans the rights of other free peoples to liberty, security, and the pursuit of happiness.
6. As the population outgrows the initial New Gaza zone, pursuant to their new Constitution, facilitate additional population growth by moving the additional population southward, as necessary.
7. While the Israeli army never desires to harm innocent civilians, Palestinians who refuse the New Gaza offer after one year, and wish to remain in an active war zone after a one-year time period has expired, will be subject to martial law as Israel completes its efforts to eradicate Hamas’s ability to terrorize and wage war against the State of Israel.
8. Once the Israeli army declares any portion of the remaining land in Gaza, south of New Gaza, safe, Palestinians will have the option to enter into long-term leases with Israel for Israel's use of same, which will generate significant revenue for the Gazan government until the New Gazans are able to logistically, politically and financially support the land south of New Gaza and administer it themselves.
9. With this 10-Point Plan, Israel will have taken every moral and reasonable step, in a time of war, to protect itself, while at the same time compassionately supporting those Palestinians who wish for, and will work towards a better life.
10. If the above fails, then Israel shall retain the right, and the obligation, to protect its existence by any means necessary.
Whether a small business, or world superpower, success is built on fundamental and universal principles.
With virtuous principles, anything is possible.
Without virtuous principles, failure is assured.
has two simple goals.
Promote worthy values
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“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” James Madison
"Economists don't forecast because they know, they forecast because they are asked." John Kenneth Galbraith
“A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.” George Bernard Shaw
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” Benjamin Franklin
"Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it." Mark Twain
“Among the countless evils that bring about the demise of whole states, these four are surely the most critical: internal discord, high mortality, infertility of the soil, and deterioration of money. The first three are so apparent that hardly anyone would contest them. The fourth evil, however, stemming from the nature of money, is noticed only by those few who think deeply, for it causes the states to crumble not at one fell swoop, but gradually, near-invisibly.” Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” George Orwell
“This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.” Plato
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Albert Einstein
"I, however, place economy {thrift} among the first and most important Republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt... I am for government rigorously frugal and simple." Thomas Jefferson
“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." Confucius
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